Classic Red Rose Bouquet
Make a timeless statement of love and devotion with our Classic Red Rose Bouquet. These exquisite red roses, known for their deep, rich color and perfectly formed petals, are the quintessential symbol of romance and passion. Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or any moment you want to make unforgettable, this bouquet is a heartfelt expression of your deepest feelings.
- Quantity: Approximately 25 premium red Freedom roses
- Color: Deep, classic red
- Stem Length: Long stems, perfect for dramatic arrangements
- Presentation: Hand-tied with a rustic raffia bow and lush greenery accents
- Occasions: Ideal for anniversaries, Valentine's Day, romantic gestures, or any celebration of love
Care Instructions:
- Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle upon arrival.
- Place in a clean vase filled with fresh water.
- Add the provided flower food to the water.
- Change the water every 2-3 days to maintain freshness.