Cheerful Yellow Rose Bouquet
Brighten someone's day with our radiant Yellow Gold Finch Rose Bouquet. Symbolizing friendship, joy, and new beginnings, these vibrant yellow roses are perfect for celebrating special moments or simply bringing a smile to someone's face. Each bloom is carefully selected for its vivid color and pristine quality, then expertly arranged to create a bouquet that exudes warmth and happiness.
- Quantity: Approximately 24 premium yellow roses
- Color: Bright, cheerful yellow
- Stem Length: Long stems, perfect for elegant arrangements
- Presentation: Hand-tied with a rustic raffia bow and fresh greenery accents
- Occasions: Ideal for birthdays, congratulations, thank you gestures, or just to spread joy
Care Instructions:
- Trim the stems at a 45-degree angle upon arrival.
- Place in a clean vase filled with fresh water.
- Add the provided flower food to the water.
- Change the water every 2-3 days to maintain freshness.